A recent article by Frederic Patenaude was shared around the internet and commented upon by many raw food advocates recently. The basis of the article was stating that most of the raw food leaders of the past had went back to cooked food and implying that it was a failed experiment and not a diet that fully promotes health. I have also seen Frederic write that a raw diet is not good for children and that babies required cooked starches to get enough calories.
I spoke to a friend of mine about this who has been on a raw vegan diet in England for about 15 years and she said that this happens often in the raw food movement. There are highs and lows and the popularity can boom for a while then disappear again and all throughout it some people come and go and some people just continue eating raw as they have for a long time.
If you are interested in raw foods especially eating in the 801010 style you are always invited to come to my the fruitluck i put on in Glasgow at www.meetup.com/Glasgow-Fruitluck
The raw food movement in my mind will continue to grow at a natural pace before eventually the tipping point will be reached, when this will happen is anyone's guess but the truth will always find a way of getting out. Before there was a lot of confusion in the raw food world as the leaders had varying opinions on how to eat but now more and more people are aligning behind the high fruit eating 801010 fully vegan style of eating as promoted by Dr Doug Graham and a growing number of healthy and inspiring advocates.
I look forward to the lifestyle growing to the point we have an abundance of interesting new fruits and vegetables entering the supermarkets every year,
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