Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Fruit Tourism 2013

This past year I have travelled far for fruit-

At the start of the year I went to Chiang Mai, Thailand to meet up with friends from Woodstock and other fruitarians and to enjoy the much hyped Thai fruit experience.  I had a near life changing meal of Mangoes there and developed a true love for Durian as well as some wonderful new friendships.

In the summer  I went to the Danish Fresh Fruit Festival, quickly followed by the Slovenian Fruits and Health Festival.  Later on followed  the Woodstock Fruit Festival in New York then soon after the Spanish Puraw Festival.  Each was a unique and nourishing experience and I hope to write about each one in more detail.

So why did I go to so many events?  I feel a real desire to try to help grow and support this community as much as possible and I feel each time I pay money for a ticket to an event it is a donation to help grow the community.  I also genuinely that these events will benefit my life in so many ways in the future, not just from the many things I learn about living a healthy and joyful lifestyle.

The fruitarian lifestyle has really made me come out of my shell even more and I have developed a new confidence and sense of purpose in life.  I hope to help expand the community myself and to that end have start a fruitluck in Glasgow.  Details of that can be found here:

I also saw there was a bit of a gap in what was happening in the UK and with the help of some friends I am putting on a small event in the UK in October called "Fruitcamp UK".  This has been a real challenge for me so far as I have never taken on this level of responsibility before but I feel it is a very good thing for my growth as a person.

If asked what is the best thing about these events then hands down it would have to be the friends I have made.  To meet other people who "get it" and life vibrant healthy lives free of the usual food addictions and the issues that come along with that is always refreshing and inspirational.  I think we have this amazing sense of community despite being scattered all over the world.  I really think we are a powerful and strong group of intelligent and inspirational people and I don't think it will be too long before we create noticeable change in our world.

Follow the fruit and it will lead you to good things,

Ronnie Ronstervore

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I've only been raw vegan 6 months now...and it's 2021! Don't seem to be many of us in Scotland. I've only met one other from Scotland, on facebook! Where are you all?
