Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Human Being are Fruit-eaters

Every animal is restricted to what it can eat by its biological design and environment.  Human beings have usurped this restriction by learning to make tools, use fire and live outside of our ideal climate and environment.

Some scientists believe that we are cooked food eaters and this can be proven by the fact that we don't have the strong jaws and large stomachs of other herbivorous apes.  For some reason they gloss over the possibility that we a frugivorous apes and that fruit is the most ideal food for our design.  The idea of fresh fruit as a staple food is so alien to many that it does not factor in their thinking.

If we consider most of the things we eat we see that they would be virtually inedible without processing or cooking of some kind.  This does not necessarily mean that these things are poisonous but just that we would not have been able to eat them at one time and therefore it is likely that our body had no need to adapt to digesting them.

Fresh fruit is the one thing commonly eaten without any processing or the addition of any condiment.  Vegetables are also eaten raw but often with a dressing or the addition of other foods to make them more palatable.  Nuts and seeds are often processed or heated in some way and would be difficult to gather and remove from the shells without the machines used in these industries today.  Grains and starch foods are tasteless and inedible raw and would require a lot of chewing and digestive enzymes that we don't have, the same can be said of cruciferous vegetables which tend to be cooked to soften them for human consumption.

Animal foods would also pose great difficult in acquiring.  None of us know how difficult it is to hunt animals bare handed as we have never tried to do this, it is simply not in our nature to hunt after animals and we avoid doing it in daily life as we know that we would most likely get injured in the process.  Complex systems of farming have been created to increase the animals foods in our diet along with huge marketing campaigns to convince us of the benefit these foods have to us despite the fact that science continues to show strong links between high consumption of animal products and poor health.

Also if we look to environment, without clothing or heating the only place we could comfortably spend an entire year would be the tropics.  Perhaps we did some migration between tropical and subtropical environments during the summer months but in general it seems we would have stayed in a tropical climate. This raises the question as to whether we are really best sticking to tropical fruits rather than temperate fruits as out staple?  Desert fruits also like dates may also not be the ideal.

Personally I feel like fruit in any form be it whole, fresh, ripe, raw and organic, smoothied, juiced, cooked, pasteurized, dried or processed in any way is still a superior choice than eating foods that would not be an option without cooking.

When transitioning towards a raw diet I went through stages of experimenting in all sorts of ways.  Once I had given up salt, I tried to create versions of cooked food without salt.  I found bread to be almost impossible to eat as a salt-less food, far too dry for my mouth.  I have noticed that when salt comes into contact with our mouth that we produce a huge amount of saliva which makes it easier to eat the dry bread (as well as eating together with soup).  As a side point I believe the large saliva release to be to do with protecting our mouth from the corrosive and irritating effect of salt by diluting it in as much liquid as possible, perhaps I am wrong on that one, but if salt water can wear away cliffs I can imagine it does the same to our much more delicate mouths.

Also when I gave up refined sugar I had the same experience.  I was shocked to realise that when sugar was removed from certain foods it didn't just reduce the taste...the food had no taste at all anymore.  We are sweet seekers and the sugar really helps the medicine go down.  Remove added sugar and salt from processed foods and they would become completely inedible and no one would but them again.  Remove refined sugar from your diet and fruit will become more and more appealing.

In conclusion, if we are not fruit eaters then what else would we eat?  What else can we eat?  While you are fiddling about with rubbing two sticks together I shall head over yonder where a field of mango trees are shedding their fruits.

Thanks for visiting,

Ronstero Delicioso

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