Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Discover Why Fruit Makes You Appreciate Life More

I've been really enjoying eating peas lately.

I've been eating them from large bags throughout the day.  We seem to have jumbo sized peas at the moment which is great.

They are perfectly "ripe" if that is the right word.  Peas should be eaten while still young otherwise they get very starchy and hard, sort of the opposite with fruit that goes from starchy to sweet.

This is a great example of the seasonality of eating a raw fruits and vegetables diet.  Foods come and go and there is a sense of specialness when something new hits the shelves or an old favourite comes into season.

I monitor red grapes pretty closely.  Very often the variety of  red grape that is on the shelf is "CRIMSON".  A delicious Grape when good of course but just not in the same league as "FLAME"

You start to notice these things when you eat a lot of fruit.  The variety, the name, where it is grown, colour shape and six etc.

At the moment it is CRIMSON that is on the shelves.  I prefer the normal green Thomson Grapes to the red crimson Grape which is often of less quality.

Flame Grapes are more round, almost perfect spherical balls.  Incredible stuff, look out for them.

The peas will probably disappear soon but its time to make the best of them and eat them in huge quantities.

There is a great lesson in this.  To take advantage of things while they last.  Perhaps we forget these bits of wisdom programmed into the cycles of nature by the fact that our food system is a permanent global summertime of stocked shelves. Most products are available all year.

The word "products" reminds me of this wonderful quote by Tim Van Orden:

"There are 2 types of food in the grocery store, produce and products.  The difference is the letter "H".  Products are for SHELF PRESERVATION.  Produce is for SELF PRESERVATION".

Awesome line, eh?

Don't tell me I don't offer you great value at this blog.

Anyway the fruits come and go, but they will surely be back.  We must enjoy them while we can, even mono eat them if that is your style.

After Woodstock I wondered if I really had made the most of the event.  All these awesome people that I had been missing all year and following on line and I don't know if I really got to see and speak to them as much as I perhaps should have.  You live and learn I guess.

One guy I did get to spend a little time with was Benjamin Benulis.  He goes by the name IronCladBen on Youtube.  I made a little interview with him that you can be taken to by following the link at the end of this post.

Ben is a guy I "met" on Youtube.  We comment on each other's videos, going back over a year at least.  He made a video years ago about doing 801010 in the corporate world.  Now he has packed that in to live the good life in California and study Chiropractic.  He is following his passion and calling and this is a great example to me.

It seems like many head to California for the good Fruity life.  It wasn't good enough for some who then headed to Hawaii for the even greater Fruity life.  My prediction is that Hawaii will be a huge fruit scene in a few years time....mark my words.

My own fruit scene is here in Glasgow.  Check out my group "Glasgow Fruitluck".  I will put a link at the end.  We don't have a meetup this weekend but there is a separate one in Edinburgh hosted by my friend Andy aka Juicefiend!  I hope to go and meet some people there.

The last group meeting had 6 new people.  I was pretty surprised by this however I had put a lot more work into getting people to come so this made sense.

Thats about it from me today, enjoy your peas and your fruits and your life and friends and everything else.  Comment below to let me know what you thought of this blog!

Yours In Fruitful Abundance!

Ronnie Ronster Ronstero Delicioso

Click Here For The Interview With Ben

Click Here For The Glasgow Fruitluck

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