Sunday, 21 September 2014

My Problem With Seasonal Changes

I am still pretty sleep deprived.

A combination of late and early nights recently with the referendum have left me drained.  I am in a weird state of emotional and physical exhaustion and not quite knowing what to do with myself.

On Saturday I had arranged another Fruitluck at the Botanic Gardens in Glasgow.  It was a fairly small turnout but we had a nice time.

I have been running the group for nearly two years but never really put a lot of effort into promoting it.  I think I will need to spread the word a bit more and grow it into a more thriving community.

I would also like to put on some talks for the future and other interesting events, so stay tuned.

It feels now that the seasons are really changing and summer is moving on.  Within me these season changes are often a bit difficult and I often wonder if that is to do with our years of evolution in a climate that basically had no seasons.

We lived in a 24/7 summertime in the tropical forests of Africa.  Our closest relatives in the animal kingdom still live in that environment.  The Chimpanzees and the Bonobos still hang out in the sun all year long, eating fruit, socialising, relaxing, playing. Sounds like a great life.

So season changes would have been feared and would have been a sign to get away.  To move to where it was warm and there was plenty of food around.

With my diet at the moment I really need to make a commitment to get to the fruit market more.  I often go a few weeks without getting there and end up spending more on fruit at supermarkets than i really want to.  I don't begrudge paying the money but it would be a lot cheaper from the market.

I hope to create a future where I can spend the winters elsewhere.  I am sure I will make this happen soon.

Yours frutfully,


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