Thursday, 11 September 2014

Eat Fruit For Health Assurance

A man at work collapsed today.

I am not sure yet why he collapsed or what exactly happened but he was taken away in an ambulance.

Personally I have no doubt that the episode will be related to the diet that he and virtually all of my colleagues follow and have been following all their lives.

As children we are all trained how to eat.  We are told not to eat sweets before dinner as it will spoil our appetite.  I have heard at least one parent say that they will only make one dinner for their child and will not make an alternative if the child does not like it.

It should not be difficult to get our children to eat food but it is so because we are giving them food that does not in anyway fit their natural desires.  On top of this the food is not satisfying which leads them to find other food , usually sweet food, to satisfy their cravings.

Most children then go on to remain on the appalling diet which they were trained to eat and became addicted to.  The effect is immediate but the real effects start to show years later especially in moments like this.

Don't worry I didn't stand up and start raving about how if he had followed a low fat plant based diet then he wouldn't have collapsed.  I don't get on a soapbox much.

The workplace is an interesting place to be confronted with all of the latest diet ideas and the various denials people have about their diet and how they eat.

Today a lady came back from lunch with a protein bar.  A man sitting beside her pointed out that it had 12g of sugar in it and had 200 calories.  Shocked by this she decided not to eat it.  She then went on to eat a packet of meat for lunch.

This is something I have seen a lot.  Women in particular eating packets of processed meat for lunch.  Usually on some kind of no-carb or low carb fad diet.  Anyway I was interested in how many calories were in the packet of meat.  She told me she didn't know and that it was her lunch.

I don't really understand why you would count the calories in one food and not the other?

Another man at work was shocked at the 4 bottles of freshly squeezed orange juice I had bought and enquired on the number of calories.  It was around 2000.  I think they don't realise that this is my food and not just an uber snack on top of other food.

Getting back to the point I can imagine nothing more frightening than collapsing with no idea why or what had happened.  The fear of being in a body that was literally falling out from underneath me.

Pain is another big fear.  Ending up in pain, disabled, unable to move the body correctly and move independently through life.

I will choose to try to preserve my health as well as I can.

Fruit is the way to go for optimal health and happiness.

I want health ASSURANCE not INSURANCE.

Speak soon,


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