For many people within the Fruitarian community the starting point was the book "The 80/10/10 Diet" by Dr Douglas Graham.
This book and the supporters of it have shaped the opinion of thousands of people around the world who are embracing a high fruit vegan diet.
Within the community and among many friends there is often an avoidance of nuts completely. This may seem unusual seeing as nuts are a perfectly edible raw food staple but the problem is the high fat content.
80/10/10 recommends keeping the percentage of fat that make up total calories to stay lower than 10%.
This is hard to achieve if you snack on nuts as they pack in a huge amount of fat calories in a relative small volume of food.
Personally I also for a long time virtually ate no nuts and would feel the difference if I had them. More recently in the last year I have had many occasions in which I binged on nuts, especially pistachios.
I'm not sure if it was stress or emotional eating or if I just wasn't eating enough fruit. Perhaps I just liked the taste? Whatever the reason I knew I was eating them in an addictive fashion as I often did not like the effect they had on me. I would feel sluggish and unfocused mentally but would continue to go back to eating them in alarmingly large quantities.
More recently I haven't been going for the nuts as often. They just don't draw me as much as they did before. Maybe this is because my mum bought me a dehydrator and I have been using it to create all sorts of savoury raw vegan treats that have limited my craving for other dry salty snacks like the nuts.
Many raw food recipe books are filled with recipes that require nuts. In response to this Jon Kozak a Canadian 811 raw fooder, quadruple Woodstock attendee and fitness coach has released a new book entitled:
"Nuts About No Nuts"
It is an excellent collection of nut free raw vegan recipes. I recently caught up with him at the Woodstock Fruit Festival to speak about this book. Here is a link to that video:
Click Here For The Interview At My Youtube Channel!
It almost seems like raw vegan recipes books are ten-a-penny and that people are releasing them left right and centre. But this book seems to genuinely offer something fresh and new.
To purchase the book check out Jon's website:
Click here to go to Jon's site-
I hope you enjoy the book and the recipes.
Teeth Issues
Much talk has happened recently about teeth issues within the fruity scene. It is almost the dirty secret of the community that many people have had bad teeth problems.
Tim Van Orden quite publicly showed the damage to his teeth on his channel meanwhile Harley recently purchased a brand new Hollywood smile in Thailand (his teeth were not in good shape the last time I saw him).
Personally I went through a period of not brushing my teeth or being very lackadaisical with my regime. I also avoided and sometimes did not follow the advice of dentists,
As a result, I have endured some damage on my teeth and had a period of toothache in one tooth that was sorted with a small filling.
However I already had some damage to my teeth before coming to this lifestyle and some damage that happened at a very young age. My front two teeth have had false covers over them since I was around 12. At the time the dentists were not sure why this was happening though the theory was acid erosion from acid reflux (acid coming up from the stomach to the throat), which I suffered from a lot as a child.
Recently another tooth that was the subject on dental treatment previously has started to fall out. I was told I would have to get a root canal in the tooth and I did not enjoy that idea. It had previously had a very deep filling put in that had fallen out. A couple of dentists had done a bad job with the tooth which I believe has led to this point. But maybe I should have just got the root canal.
I will head to the dentist soon and see what happens.
I really like Frederic Patenaude's information on teeth care on a raw vegan diet. This lecture gives his story:
Click Here For Fred's Teeth Lecture
I have also listened to Don Bennet's information but I do not feel his information is right on this subject.
The biggest reversal in my dental issues has come since following the basic advice that we all know in the first place, which is to thoroughly brush the teeth twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste, particularly first thing in the morning.
Tooth decay is caused by the acidic waste products of bacteria that live in the mouth. If the bacteria are at a manageable level then tooth decay will not occur. However if they are out of control the inevitably the teeth will decay.
I also speculate that the nature of the Fruitarian diet (being virtually free of anti-bacterial substances like alcohol, salt, garlic, vinegar etc) give the bacteria an excellent condition to thrive in.
If we accept this as the cause then mechanical brushing of the teeth is our best solution so far found.
The only other option I can see is fasting (a complete abstinence from eating for a controlled period under supervision). Perhaps this is why Dr Doug Graham and Loren Lockman, both with a history of having performed long fasts, have been able to maintain healthy teeth on this lifestyle while only brushing with water.
I think this, as with so many areas in this lifestyle, is still up for debate. Until we have a dental expert who can look into it thoroughly we will not know exactly what is happening. Each person has an individual experience.
Let me know your thoughts on these issues in the comments.
Thanks for reading,
Yours in fruitful abundance,
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